AudioBuffer_v2 Op


Holds an audio file / sample in a buffer

Full Name
  • Ops.WebAudio.AudioBuffer_v2
  • Core Op - Official cables op
  • MIT
AuthorgithubTest Patches

Example Patch AudioBufferPlayer_v2 & AudioBuffer_v2 example

Example for AudioBufferPlayer_v2 and AudioBuffer_v2.

Open In Editor


URL (String)

The audio file to load. Mostly you will drag an audio file into the cables window and select it via the file-chooser in the op parameter view. Depending on the browser you use (or user who will see / hear your exported patch) only certain file types can be played back. MP3 seems to be the best supported audio format. It is also possible to pass a data URL (from a local file) to the buffer.

Create Loading Task (Number: boolean)


Audio Buffer (Object)

The loaded audio buffer, can be connected to e.g. AudioBufferPlayer

Finished Loading (Number)

True when the file is loaded

Sample Rate (Number)

Samples per second of the PCM data stored in the buffer.

Length (Number)

Length of the buffer, in sample-frames, of the PCM data stored in the buffer.

Duration (Number)

Duration, in seconds, of the PCM data stored in the buffer

Number of Channels (Number)

How many channels the audio file contains, 2 is stereo, 1 is mono

isLoading (booleanNumber)

indicates if buffer is currently loading

Patches using AudioBuffer_v2

  • Examples
  • Public
  • My Patches


created opuser avatartim - 2020-09-09 16:17