PointLight_v5 Op


Point light for phong shading

The point light illuminates in every possible direction.

Full Name
  • Ops.Gl.Phong.PointLight_v5
  • Core Op - Official cables op
  • MIT
AuthorgithubTest Patches

Example Patch PointLight - example

PointLight example patch.
Open In Editor


Trigger In (Trigger)

Trigger input

Light Attributes

Cast Light (Number:boolean )
Intensity (Number)

intensity of the point light

Radius (Number)

effective radius of the point light


X (Number)

position x

Y (Number)

position y

Z (Number)

position z


R (Number)

diffuse color channel R

G (Number)

diffuse color channel G

B (Number)

diffuse color channel B

Specular Color

Specular R (Number)

specular color channel R

Specular G (Number)

specular color channel G

Specular B (Number)

specular color channel B

Falloff (Number)

falloff within effective radius

Cast Shadow (Number:boolean )

if activated, light will generate a shadow map to be used with the shadow material extension

Shadow Map Settings

Rendering Active (Number:boolean )
Map Size index (Number:integer ) 256  512  1024  2048 

index of the map size

Shadow Strength (Number)

strength of the shadows

Near (Number)

the near value of the shadow camera's frustum

Far (Number)

the far value of the shadow camera's frustum

Bias (Number)

biasing for the shadow comparison, refer to the shadow op for an in depth explanation

Polygon Offset (Number:integer )

polygon offset for the shadow map rendering, refer to the shadow op for an in depth explanation


Trigger Out (Trigger)

trigger output

Cubemap (Object)

generated shadow cubemap output

World Position X (Number)
World Position Y (Number)
World Position Z (Number)

Patches using PointLight_v5

  • Examples
  • Public
  • My Patches


Ops.User.cables.ShadowPointLightCGL renamed to Ops.Admin.ShadowPointLightCGLuser avatarcables - 2020-04-28 16:25
Ops.Admin.ShadowPointLightCGL renamed to Ops.Gl.Phong.PointLight_v5user avatarpandur - 2020-07-29 22:49
added core lib: cgl_cubemapframebufferuser avatarcables - 2021-03-24 13:08