MidiClock Op
sends out midi clock signals as triggers
Summary (oneliner)
This op is able to output a midi clock signal as triggers. It also outputs different musical subdivisions as trigger, ranging from a full note (one bar) to a sixteenth note.
Furthermore you can change the timing of the subdivions to either dotted notes or triplets (e.g. the 1/16 - note becomes a 1/16-note-triplet).
It is also possible to read the current bpm and tick duration from MidiClock.
The subtick output is a counter that goes from 0 - 24 and then resets. In MIDI, a quarter note is represented by 24 clock ticks.
- Ops.Devices.Midi.MidiClock
- Core Op - Official cables op
Documentation (markdown)
Example patch id
Youtube ids (comma seperated)
Op Licence
Caniuse query
Example Patch Midi ops example
This example file demonstrates how to use all the new midi ops.
Youtube Video Tutorial

Input for the midi clock event, use the clock output of MidiInputDevice2
The out port for the MIDI clock event
Outputs a trigger every tick
Outputs a clock start signal
Outputs a clock stop signal
Outputs a clock continue signal
read the current bpm as a number
tick duration in milliseconds
current subtick (value between 0 - 24)
outputs a trigger every bar (dotted: 1.5 bars, triplet: full-note triplet)
outputs a trigger every half note (dotted: trigger every 3/4, triplet: half-note triplet)
outputs a trigger every quarter note (dotted: trigger every 3/8, triplet: quarter-note triplet)
outputs a trigger every eigth note (dotted: trigger every 3/16, triplet: eigth-note triplet)
outputs a trigger every sixteenth note (dotted: trigger every 3/32, triplet: sixteenth-note triplet)