MidiClock Op


sends out midi clock signals as triggers

<p>This op is able to output a midi clock signal as triggers. It also outputs different musical subdivisions as trigger, ranging from a full note (one bar) to a sixteenth note.</p> <p>Furthermore you can change the timing of the subdivions to either dotted notes or triplets (e.g. the 1/16 - note becomes a 1/16-note-triplet). </p> <p>It is also possible to read the current bpm and tick duration from MidiClock.</p> <p>The subtick output is a counter that goes from 0 - 24 and then resets. In MIDI, a quarter note is represented by 24 clock ticks.</p>

Full Name
  • Ops.Devices.Midi.MidiClock
  • Core Op - Official cables op
  • MIT
AuthorgithubTest Patches

Example Patch Midi ops example

This example file demonstrates how to use all the new midi ops.

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Youtube Video Tutorial


MIDI Event In (Object)

<p>Input for the midi clock event, use the clock output of MidiInputDevice2</p>

Timing index (Number:




MIDI Event Out (Object)

<p>The out port for the MIDI clock event</p>

Tick Out (Trigger)

<p>Outputs a trigger every tick</p>

Clock Start (Trigger)

<p>Outputs a clock start signal</p>

Clock Stop (Trigger)

<p>Outputs a clock stop signal</p>

Clock Continue (Trigger)

<p>Outputs a clock continue signal</p>

BPM (Number)

<p>read the current bpm as a number</p>

Tick Duration (Number)

<p>tick duration in milliseconds</p>

Sub Tick (Number)

<p>current subtick (value between 0 - 24)</p>

1/1 (Trigger)

<p>outputs a trigger every bar (dotted: 1.5 bars, triplet: full-note triplet)</p>

1/2 (Trigger)

<p>outputs a trigger every half note (dotted: trigger every 3/4, triplet: half-note triplet)</p>

1/4 (Trigger)

<p>outputs a trigger every quarter note (dotted: trigger every 3/8, triplet: quarter-note triplet)</p>

1/8 (Trigger)

<p>outputs a trigger every eigth note (dotted: trigger every 3/16, triplet: eigth-note triplet)</p>

1/16 (Trigger)

<p>outputs a trigger every sixteenth note (dotted: trigger every 3/32, triplet: sixteenth-note triplet)</p>

Patches using MidiClock

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