MidiChord3 Op
Map 3 midi notes to values
Summary (oneliner)
This op is able to output the note numbers and velocities of up to 3 different midi notes at once. Useful when playing chords.
You can press "learn" and then play the notes on your midi-keyboard / in your DAW to automatically assign them to MidiChord3.
It is also possible to normalize the velocity values (which usually range from 0-127) to either "0 to 1" or "-1 to 1".
- Ops.Devices.Midi.MidiChord3
- Core Op - Official cables op
Documentation (markdown)
Example patch id
Youtube ids (comma seperated)
Op Licence
Caniuse query
The in port for the MIDI event
Press to learn notes
Reset the learned values
The out port for the MIDI event
Triggers whenever one of the chosen notes is played
Outputs first note's velocity
true when first note is played, false when not
Outputs second note's velocity
true when first note is played, false when not
Outputs third note's velocity
true when third note is played, false when not