MidiCC Op


read CC value from Midi controller

Gets incoming midi cc messages from the selected midi channel.
Notes can be selected with a dropdown menu or you can click "learn" and press a midi key to automatically map the correct note.

Velocity values come in between 0-127
These values can be normalised between
0 to 1 or -1 to 1 with a dropdown menu.

Full Name
  • Ops.Devices.Midi.MidiCC
  • Core Op - Official cables op
  • MIT
AuthorgithubTest Patches

Example Patch Midi ops example

This example file demonstrates how to use all the new midi ops.
Open In Editor

Youtube Video Tutorial



MIDI Event In (Object)

the incoming midi event

MIDI Channel index (Number:integer )


CC Index (Number:integer )

The selected CC index to output

Speed (Number)


Normalize index (Number:integer ) none  0 to 1  -1 to 1 
Trigger On index (Number:integer ) Both  Down  Up 
learn (Trigger)

Click and then press a cc button/turn a knob on your midi device to automatically select it

clear (Trigger)

reset op to default state


Event (Object)

Midi event out - passes all midi data through to allow midi ops to be stacked

Trigger Out (Trigger)

Triggers when the selected midi cc comes in

CC Index Out (Number)

If no index has been selected it will output all cc messages else it outputs selected cc index

CC Value Out (Number)

Value is normally between 0-127 unless Normalize Velocity is enabled

Value Array (Array)

Patches using MidiCC

  • Examples
  • Public
  • My Patches


bugfixlearned input parameter are transfered to remote vieweruser avatarpandur - 2022-12-14 17:18