PoseDetection_v2 Op
Use the Teachable Machines pose detection with your webcam. Insert the uploaded model URL.
Summary (oneliner)
got to https://teachablemachine.withgoogle.com/ to train a model
Full Name
- Ops.Extension.TeachableMachines.PoseDetection_v2
- Extension Op - Visible to all users
- teachablemachine_tf_speech_image_pose (Library for using models created with Teachable Machine. Includes tensorflow, tensorflow speech models, 'image' and 'pose')
Documentation (markdown)
Example patch id
Youtube ids (comma seperated)
Op Licence
Caniuse query
Example Patch TeachableMachines.PoseDetection - Example
Render (Trigger)
trigger prediction
Initialize (Trigger)
trigger inizialization of model
Model URL (String)
model base url
Webcam Element (Object)
Flip image (Number: boolean)
flip the webcam image
Trigger (Trigger)
trigger out
Initialized (Trigger)
init done
Classifier (Array)
prediction classes and scores
Pose positions (Array)
2d positions of recognized poses
Image flipped (Number)
image flipped?
Patches using PoseDetection_v2
added lib: teachablemachine_tf_speech_image_pose.js | mick - 2020-11-18 13:43 | |
cloned op from Ops.Api.TeachableMachines.PoseDetection | stephan - 2022-06-08 12:34 | |
Ops.User.stephan.PoseDetection_v2 renamed to Ops.Api.TeachableMachines.PoseDetection_v2 | stephan - 2022-06-08 12:35 | |
fix bug with new webcam operator | stephan - 2022-06-08 12:42 | |
Ops.Api.TeachableMachines.PoseDetection_v2 renamed to Ops.Libs.TeachableMachines.PoseDetection_v2 | pandur - 2022-06-23 08:29 | |
Ops.Libs.TeachableMachines.PoseDetection_v2 renamed to Ops.Extension.TeachableMachines.PoseDetection_v2 | stephan - 2022-12-14 10:12 |