Testsscale shear test value tests rnd array / compares / math distance2d test boolean and or test Image effects 2 degree2vector testcase instancedRandomCluster testcase cubemaps testcase ammo stuff vertexdisplace exr rgbe textures and converters textureeffects noise 2 Shadow tests texturepicking pointcloud array texture coordinates test Shadergraph test test uniform params SG checkerboard SG simple circle SG Simple Texture ui stuff tests untestable ops tests string test old op versions: gl test OLD Meshes gl tests
Tests GLTFGLTF example: interpolation types GLTF example: Multiple UV Channels GLTF example: skin with multiple meshes/materials gltf example: vertex colors gltf geometry and drawtexturemapping gltf scene example: animated skin attached to object anim gltf vertex animation GLTFscene animation switching test GltfVertexAnim test embedded texture loading meshmorph test Draco Compression example GLTF Bones Animation Zombie Walk GLTF Loose Edges and Points
Tests TextTexturetexttexture test 1 texttexture test 2 texttexture test 3 texttexture test texttexture padding test texttexture test 5
geometries and meshes teststest generative meshes Primitive Meshes testcase misc meshes testcases lines splines testcase geometry ops test wireframes test svgpath test ShowNormals huge meshes geom ops
imagecompose teststextureeffects 27 textureeffects noise texture gen ops test textureeffects 3 textureeffects 2 textureeffects 23 test gradients