Legal Fees : Volume Two; a virtual zine/photo gallery
welcome to the virtual gallery for legal fees : volume two. there are 33 unique images to view from 11 different artists. there are is a copy of each image: why? i'll get to that in a moment.
note: the experience is much more fluid and yields easier controls when viewed on a desktop computer or laptop, but the experience can be engaged with on mobile devices including iOS and android based devices.
it is best to use either firefox or chrome web browsers whether on desktop/laptop or mobile devices. avoid using safari web browser. if the patch is giving you issues or you can't regain control of the camera, just refresh the page.
to control the the camera within the 3D space, here is a breakdown of the controls:
you will find a slider in the top left of the patch window. use these sliders in conjunction with the various controls listed below for optimal use. the left button will reset all 3 sliders to their original positions. the right button will minimize the slider slider window to view each image more clearly.
hold down left mouse button to rotate the camera 360 degrees on the x and y axis. hold down the right mouse button to pan the camera left/right/up/down. use the center click wheel to zoom in and out.
there are analogue controls activated in this patch. if you have a wireless controller connected to your computer you can use the left/right analogue sticks to rotate the camera 360 degrees and the D-pad will move half of the images up/down/left/right in unison (this is why there is a copy of each image). this hasn't been fully tested yet so you may need to configure the controls on your end to manually map the controls to your game controller.
mobile device (iOS, android):
touchscreen features are active in the patch. use one finger to rotate the camera around 360 degrees. pinch in and out to zoom the camera accordingly. if you're having issues figuring out the controls, take it slow and try to have fun with it; remember to use the slider controls in conjunction with your fingers to properly place the camera where you want it.
retroid pocket 2+ and game emulator controls:
if you have a retroid pocket 2+ or upgraded your previous model(s) with the new touchscreen upgrade, you can use chrome or firefox web browsers downloaded with the google play store to view this patch. analogue controls are also activated, which means you can use the D-Pad and the left/right analogue sticks to move within the space. note: if you activate the virtual mouse within the android device settings you can use the right analogue stick to rotate the camera 360, and use the D-Pad to move half of the images in unison up/down/left/right. if the virtual mouse is deactivated in the settings, then the left analogue stick and D-Pad will move the images up/down/left/right and can only rotate using your finger on the touchscreen.
the controls may be hard to use at first, but i hope that you will be inspired to maneuver through the 3D space. remember to try and have fun and to appreciate the art. this patch will be constantly updating, so it may have changed by the time you come back to visit again. feel free to use this patch to create your own 3D virtual photo gallery, but please respect the work of each artist. every artist whose work is shown here retains their personal copyright of each individual piece/image.
artists featured along with their instagram handle:
lucy le bohec | @lucylebohecart
lisa brown | @d.c.mamacita
rowan byers | @_rowanphoto
tom denton | @tomdentonsphotos
nate francis | @natefrancis_
warner j. grandfield | @warnergrandfield
andrew paul keiper | @shutteringnoisemachine
xavier quintana | @drunk_dad
cheyenne smith |
andrew k. thompson | @andrew_k_thompson
noel waldron | @thepizzaboobs
to purchase the physical, 40 page zine, visit
this is the online visual gallery that is associated with a printed zine entitled "legal fees". this is the second volume in a line of submission based fine art and digital media images that was created for artists, by artists. the zine is produced by a salt lake city based fine art printing studio "aura print" that is operated by m.a.baratta. @eyewillshootyou
thank you kindly
Licence: Attribution-NonCommercial
Non-commercial use only, must credit the author, can remix this work.More patches made by cables users
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