This patch is part of my facebook/audiocraft fork, available here:<br><br>
watch a demo:
It is serving as a webGUI to control the audio generation. It is also providing basic playback control and audio visualization. <br> Please have a look at the github readme for installation details.<br>
Concept: The audiocraft network is installed and running locally, a flask server is used to enable communication via AJAX requests from this cables webGUI with the python script, that is controlling the audio generation process. The flask server also provides URLs to the generated files, so they are accessible inside the cables patch.<br>
DISCLAIMER This project is shared as is. It is a highly customized version and a quite inidividual way to use AudioCraft. It was used to learn more about some core concepts while creating it. I am happy for feedback and exchange, but for the reason given above, support will be very limited.
Licence: Public Domain Dedication
Commercial use ok, freely remix, reuse this work without restriction, please credit the author.More patches made by cables users
what is cables?
Cables is a tool for creating beautiful interactive content. With an easy to navigate interface and real time visuals, it allows for rapid prototyping and fast adjustments.
cables is free to use!