RouteNumber Op
Routes the value to one of the output ports (based on index, relay)
Summary (oneliner)
Full Name
- Ops.Number.RouteNumber
- Core Op - Official cables op
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Example Patch RouteNumber Example
The `SimpleAnim` op outputs a steady signal (in this case between 0 and 1).
We connect this to the `Value` port of the `RouteNumber` op, this is our signal we want to route to one of the three shapes.
The `Index` port of the `ValueRouter` op is connected to the `Incrementor` op, so it is either 0, 1 or 2, depending how often we clicked.
Click anywhere in the patch area and press the `f`key to enable Flow Mode. Now click back in the canvas (a few times) and you should see how the flow of value coming out of `SimpleAnim` changes depending on how often we clicked – it goes to either the `Rectangle`, the `Circle`, or the `Triangle`op.
Index (Number:integer )
Controls to which output port the value is routed
Value (Number)
The value to be routed to one of the output ports
Default VaonlyOnePortlue (Number)
Set inactive to default (Number:boolean )
Reset inactive ports to default value
Index 0 Value (Number)
Index 1 Value (Number)
Index 2 Value (Number)
Index 3 Value (Number)
Index 4 Value (Number)
Index 5 Value (Number)
Index 6 Value (Number)
Index 7 Value (Number)
Index 8 Value (Number)
Index 9 Value (Number)