Base64ToTexture Op
Converts a base-64 image string into a texture
Summary (oneliner)
This can be handy if you are receiving an image over an AJAXRequest and want to convert it into a texture. Keep in mind that this is a very slow operation, so be careful with performance.
Also note that there is an OP doing the opposite called TextureToBase64.
Full Name
- Ops.Gl.Textures.Base64ToTexture
- Core Op - Official cables op
Documentation (markdown)
Example patch id
Youtube ids (comma seperated)
Op Licence
Caniuse query
Example Patch working with base64 images
Base64 / Data URI (String)
Place either a Base64 string directly or as a Data URI to be converted
filter index (Number:integer )
wrap index (Number:integer )
Anisotropic index (Number:integer )
Pre Multiplied Alpha (Number:boolean )
Texture (Object)
Texture conversion of the input string
Loading (boolean Number)
Indicates whether it is still busy with converting the string