FmOscillator Op


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Oscillator with frequency modulation

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Full Name
  • Ops.Deprecated.WebAudio.Lib.Tonejs.Source.FmOscillator
  • Core Op - Official cables op
  • MIT
AuthorJavascript Libraries



Frequency (Dynamic)

The oscillator's frequency

Detune (Dynamic)

How much it is detunes, 0 = not at all, 100 = one semitone up, -100 = one semitone down, 12000 = one octave up

Modulation Index (Dynamic)

The modulation index which is in essence the depth or amount of the modulation. In other terms it is the ratio of the frequency of the modulating signal (mf) to the amplitude of the modulating signal (ma) -- as in ma/mf.

Harmonicity (Dynamic)

Harmonicity is the frequency ratio between the carrier and the modulator oscillators. A harmonicity of 1 gives both oscillators the same frequency. Harmonicity = 2 means a change of an octave.

Type (Number)

The type of the carrier oscillator, either sine, square, triangle or sawtooth

Modulation Type (Number)

The type of the modulation oscillator, either sine, square, triangle or sawtooth

Phase (Number)

The phase of the oscillator in degrees (between 0 and 180).

Sync Frequency (Number)

Sync the signal to the Transport's bpm. Any changes to the transports bpm, will also affect the oscillators frequency.

Start (Trigger)

Starts the source at the specified time (Start Time). +0 = now

Start Time (Number)

When Start is triggered this is the time it when it starts. +0 = now

Stop (Trigger)

Stops the source at the specified time (Stop Time). +0 = now

Stop Time (Number)

When Stop is triggered this is the time it when it starts. +0 = now

Auto Start (Number)

Automatically starts the oscillator

Volume (Dynamic)

The volume in dB, between -96 and 0

Mute (Number)

Mutes the output


Audio Out (Object)

The audio signal

Patches using FmOscillator

  • Examples
  • Public
  • My Patches